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Calgary Boys’ Choir 40th Birthday “Celebration of Male Song”

20 Mar Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Calgary Boys’ Choir 40th Birthday “Celebration of Male Song”


Established in 1973 by Douglas Parnham, the Calgary Boys’ Choir is a quality choral program designed for boys, offering excellent training, performance opportunities and formative experiences.  It develops choral teamwork with lots of fun, friendship and humour.
For 40 years, the choir has proudly attracted young, musically-inclined boys who want to explore vocal performance in a fun, welcoming environment.
The idea of a boys-only choir is not new. Musical scholars have noted the sound a young boy can make has remarkable clarity and purity. Parents and teachers know that  boys love movement, rhythm and humour. The Calgary Boys’ choir combines the quality of boy’s voices with what interests the boys.
The choir performs locally, but has also toured to many other countries, including the United States, England, Austria, France, Spain and the Czech Republic, showcasing Calgary’s talent to the world.

Starting on 24th April and culminating in a series of events on the weekend 26-28th April, 2013, the “Celebration of Male Song” is a celebration of the Calgary Boys’ Choirand its living heritage in Calgary.