Jim Picken is an Associate Director of Music Ministry at Calgary’s Knox Presbyterian Church, where he enjoys his work with Paul Grindlay and Rev. Mark Tremblay.
Jim is pleased to performing music on the recently enhanced organ at Knox Presbyterian. Many thanks to Steve and Chellan Miller and Hart Godden for the work of installation, and to Jason Barnsley for ongoing maintenance. And to all the people of Knox and others who donated time, money, and support to make it happen.
You can view Jim’s other organ recordings on Youtube HERE
A link to this concert recording of Christmas Music will be made available in the ProArts newsletter – scheduled to be published Wed. January 06 ‘2021 to coincide with Epiphany.
After release on Wed January 06, you can WATCH JIM’S VIDEO RECORDED ORGAN CONCERT HERE
This ProArts video recording of Jim Picken’s concert was undertaken following current Alberta public health guidelines for playing music instruments, including maintaining two metres physical distancing.