Who Cares? is a duo project between violinist Laura Reid and flutist Jiajia Li, who have known each other for over 15 years.
Despite frequently collaborating and working together in the music scene, the duo only formed officially since the pandemic. Their aim as a duo was to provide support for each other while exploring and expanding their repertoire and musical growth. From live streaming concerts to video productions, the duo picks a wide variety of repertoire and fun concepts to program, arranging music to fit their configuration, and using improvisation as part of the creative process.
Youtube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkowSwh5G-ayVFS7oWH2ecvOYNbvBZd67
Bandcamp: https://whocaresmusic.bandcamp.com/album/vol-1
This concert will feature music from Beethoven, Telemann, Calgary composer Mark Limacher, and an improvised piece by American composer Pauline Oliveros.