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AFRIKADEY! Festival artists LOS MORENOS guitar duo

06 Aug Posted by in Schedule | Comments
AFRIKADEY! Festival artists LOS MORENOS guitar duo

Calgary’s annual Afrikadey! Festival is a week-long celebration of the music, food, dance, theatre, film, literature and visual arts of Africa and her descendant cultures.  These events take place at different venues all over the city (such as the ProArts@Noon Concert Series) with a final day of music on Prince’s Island.

Unfortunately, due to complicated Visa issues, ProArts will not be presenting Bata Osun dancers and musicians of Nigeria; nor Salima Sami – as was indictaed as recently as August 04(!)

But…true to form, Artistic Director and legendary Afrikadey! Festival director Tunde Dawodu has gifted us with the announcement (final) that we will co-present legendary guitarist Mauricio Moreno – founder and leader of Los Morenos, who will be performing as a guitar duo featuring Mauricio and fellow guitarist Manuel Jara.

“Mauricio’s guitar work is very fine and particularly virtuosic. Mauricio Moreno is a fine performer and composer.”- Leslie Hall, Canadian Folk Music Bulletin