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Bruce Petherick, contemporary piano

07 Sep Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Bruce Petherick, contemporary piano


Bruce Petherick is a musician, and a creator of Acoustic Spaces living in Calgary, Canada.

He has performed music around the world playing various styles from Classical, Jazz, to Musical Theatre. Having always distrusted the idea of the technical virtuoso, his music has matured into a more subtle yet still complex style.

His music is based on slower pulses but not restricted to simple harmonic or textual gestures. The first recordings of his Acoustic Spaces were released in 2015, first with “5 Words of Love” and now with his most recent recording “Raindrops”.

A few words from Bruce about his concert…..

The Three B’s in an Acoustic Space  In late September, Bruce Petherick will be attending a 2 week residency at the Banff Centre for Art and Creativity. The residency is called “The Art of Stillness” and will allow Bruce the time and space to delve deeper into his artistic practise(s) and to create a new Acoustic Space for release on CD later this year.

Western Art Music has, traditionally, been outlined by “The Three B’s“; JS Bach at the “start”, Ludwig Van Beethoven as the apex, and Johannes Brahms as the “end point”. In this concert, I will be exploring some of their slower music (movements from longer works) and juxtaposing this music with some of my own, and some music by an Australian colleague Stuart Greenbaum.