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Calgary International Flamenco Festival

25 Sep Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Calgary International Flamenco Festival



























Pro-Arts presents Flamenco at Noon as part of the Calgary International Flamenco Festival. This concert features a colourful array of live Flamenco music and dance with local artists collaborating with a guitarist from Spain, Liron Man.

Flamenco Dancers: Anastassiia Moussatova, Marinella Suriani, Jessica Peñalver, Fiona Malena
Flamenco Guitarists: Liron Man, Michael Boyle, Holly Blazina
Flamenco Saxophone & Percussion: Oliver Miguel

A week-long celebration of Flamenco music, dance, passionate expression and innovative performances – the third annual Calgary International Flamenco Festival reignites September 21-28, 2013.

This is the flamenco event of the year, bringing together top Spanish artists with Canadian performers in a Festival that features workshops and concert events throughout the week.

Join us in the wonderful acoustics of the Cathedral for a special noon hour concert featuring guest dancers and musicians of the 2013 Festival!