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Covid Concert Series: 2020

This 2020 live-stream concert series is still available to view!

What: The ProArts Covid Concert Series: 2020
Where: online!
When: Various Wednesdays from April 29 – December 23, 2020

The ProArts Society had to put our in-person concerts on hold during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, we were very excited to bring you free, online concerts through spring and summer 2020, featuring a wide range of talented musicians. Enjoy them again by clicking the links below!

The ProArts Live-Stream concert series 2020 were:

From Their Home to Yours

  1. April 29: Edmond Agopian: Solo Violin Music by J.S. Bach
  2. June 24: Tricia Edwards: solo jazz piano “Music and Musing in the Time of Quarantine”
  3. July 22: Laura Brandt (soprano) with Evan Mounce (piano): “It Makes No Difference Abroad – Songs and Texts of Emily Dickinson”
  4. August 26: Ayush Ghosh: solo classical sitar “Strings of Hope”
  5. September 16: Tim Williams: solo Blues Guitar

Plus two additional concerts!

  1. March 24: MRU Conservatory Academy Student Solo Recitals
  2. December 23: Foothills Brass Christmas Concert