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Irish Cultural Society of Calgary Choir

20 Jun Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Irish Cultural Society of Calgary Choir

In November 1994 clear, strong voices rang out as the Irish Cultural Society of Calgary Choir formed from a core group of Irish immigrants and their Canadian friends. Twenty-four years later this welcoming group has over forty singers regularly regaling, and they continue to entertain people from around the world in their uniquely Irish-Canadian manner.

From sold out concerts to regular performances on the festival circuit, including an annual star turn at the Water Valley Celtic Festival, this community stalwart for St. Patrick’s Day, shows their spirit by regularly welcoming people to the Calgary airport, singing in retirement homes, halls, clubs and even joining other choirs around town in a bid to squeeze every last drop of fun from their singing.

Joe Massey and Maureen Hutchens share duties conducting the choir and arranging the set programs while Tara Sullivan (piano) and Lane Henry (violin) Tony Hogan (bodhran) Greg Black (guitar) Joe Massey (whistle) Doug Wagner (fiddle) provide accompaniment to this booming, fun-loving, joyful choir. The Irish Cultural Society of Calgary Choir are looking their best as they enter their 25th year.

This concert is part of a series of Choral Concerts during 2018 generously sponsored by: