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Phyllis Wheaton – Green Songs

27 Jun Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Phyllis Wheaton – Green Songs

Phyllis Wheaton is a Canadian-born singer /songwriter whose works reflect her many adventures in this country and abroad. Powerful voice and persuasive lyrics, written from a place of experience she writes and sings Folk, Blues, Country and Celtic. Phyllis writes and sings about who we are as Canadians; the pioneer, the farmer, the cowboy, the soldier, the Peacekeeper, friends, and lovers.

GREEN SONGS – What does ‘sustainable living’ really mean?  Living in her son’s straw-bale geodesic dome, Phyllis learned all about the struggles and successes of a ‘sustainable’  lifestyle. You will be inspired by this ‘green’ theme show about her experiences helping with the winter water-reed harvest, gardening and preparing food from scratch in her stories, her songs and fascinating video.

Accompanying mulit-instrumentalist Tom Poole opens the show in his best Kermit voice with a revised rendition of It’s Not Easy Being Green.