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Jan.29 ICARUS 3

29 Jan Posted by in Schedule | Comments
Jan.29      ICARUS 3

 Icarus 3 is an improvising trio composed of Jeremy Gignoux (violin/viola), Keith Rodger (double bass), and Robin Tufts (drums, percussion).

They created their original repertoire in an unusual and experimental way: with the help of the clown. Under the guidance of clown performer and educator Jacqueline Russell, they explored their inner clowns which gave birth to musical compositions and improvisation games that display a joyful and wild creative energy.

Their performance presents the musical results of this residency with music that takes in all of their musical past, from folk, classical, country, jazz, or other influences. They also relate how the different songs came about and play some games with the audience. 

This concert is a proud Community Co-Presentation with the High Performance Rodeo,  Calgary’s International Festival of the Arts.