The now well-known and beloved seasonal tradition of Nine Lessons and Carols has humble beginnings in Truro, Scotland in 1880, but was later popularized by annual services held in the Chapel at King’s College, Cambridge, which began in 1918 and continue to this day. These services have been attended by many Britons, but have also been broadcast and televised internationally, and recorded on various CDs. “Once in Royal David’s City” has consistently been the opening carol since 1919. Compositions and arrangements by past music directors at King’s have often been included, and are in this concert too, with selections by Boris Ord, Harold Darke and Sir David Willcocks.
The choirs of Knox and St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Churches have collaborated together several times in recent history, but forged a new association through several combined virtual choir projects during the darkest days of the pandemic. We are now very pleased to be working together in person, albeit masked and distanced, and sincerely hope our somewhat-abbreviated “service” of lessons and carols will bring light, peace and joy to your Christmas season.

About the St. Andrew’s Choir The Choir is at the heart of music making at St. Andrews Presbyterian Church. This family of devoted singers meet every Thursday night at 7:00pm in Trinity Hall and sing most Sundays. This group has a short rehearsal on Sunday mornings beginning at 9:15am sharp in the sanctuary. The choir sings a broad range of music and in addition to leading the congregational singing, sings an anthem during the Musical Offering and occasional introits, benedictions, and choral responses. Regular Thursday night rehearsals with the choir are enhanced and augmented with special seasonal Workshops, most often on a Saturday morning and afternoon leading up to Advent/Christmas and Easter. The choir has a couple of exciting projects this season including Jazz Vespers: A Service of Light and Love. If you are interested in joining the music ministry please send Evan a message at emounce@standrewscalgary.ca

About Knox Presbyterian Choir: Knox Presbyterian Church takes pride in its dynamic music ministry. Music adds extra depth to worship, enabling us to raise our hearts when words fail. Knox’s tradition of musical excellence has maintained a well-trained and highly-motivated choir, which includes professional choral scholar members. Under the direction of Paul Grindlay, the choir sings service music on most Sunday mornings from September to June, aspiring to engage the congregation fully with a wide variety of musical styles. From time to time we give the choir a break to present more contemporary praise and devotional music with guitar, piano, percussion and individual singers. Jim Picken oversaw significant enhancement of the pipe organ, beginning in 2009, which now enables us to enjoy a wider range of repertoire, and he has mentored three organ scholars since 2013.
Here is a video of a virtual choir project of “Mary did you Know” involving St. Andrew’s and Knox Choirs (and Grace Presbyterian too!) :